Confirmation Sunday
This album contains photos of our confirmation service for Jesse Dean. Photos by Erin Schram.

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Congregational Chairman, David Van Curen, presenting our Confirmand to Pastor Schram and the congregation

Congregational Chairman, David Van Curen, presenting our Confirmand to Pastor Schram and the congregationPastor Schram beginning the Public Exam with Jesse.  The Public Exam was interactive with the congregation!Jesse having some fun answering a questionJesse answering another questionPastor Schram giving further exlanationJesse taking his confirmation vows and professing faith in Jesus Christ as SaviorPraying for Jesse -- family and baptismal sponsors participating in the laying on of handsPraying for Jesse -- family and baptismal sponsors participating in the laying on of handsJesse giving his testimonyFirst Communion for Jesse -- receiving the body of ChristJesse receiving the blood of Christ"the blood of Christ shed for you for the forgiveness of sins"Jesse's trumpet teacher, Gil Garcia playing "The Lord's Prayer"Pastor Schram and JesseJesse's favorite -- ice cream cake!