We recognize that in every society there are, from time to time, people who need a helping hand. We are always ready and willing to offer prayer support and spiritual counsel...
Part of our community outreach is supporting local agencies who specialize in helping those in need of food, shelter, etc. If this is what you need, let us direct you to the following:
Need Food?
* Community Kitchen.................................................278-1726
* Larimer County Food Bank....................................744-4600
* House of Neighborly Service................................667-4939
Need Shelter?
* House of Neighborly Service................................667-4939
* Angel House..................................................................663-1716
* 137 Homeless Connection.....................................667-1532
* Fort Collins Rescue Mission...................................224-4302
Need Work?
* Lairmer County Workforce Center........................619-4650
* (Loveland) Job Line......................................................962-2374
Need Transportation?
* City of Loveland Transit..............................................962-2700
Larimer County Social Services..............................970-498-6311